Linux 101 : Playing around with the "find" command

We could see the user ID and the group ID of a file using for example the below command:

We could use "find" to look for files according to their user ID - 1001 -:

We could also do it with the group ID of the file:

And with the name of the file of course:

Or with the group name of the file:

Changing all the file with the user ID 1001 to user ID 1050:

Bulk moving files according to their user ID - 1001 -:


  • -r : is for recursive through all the subdirectories.
  • {} : referes to the output of the previous command.

To find "ghost" files owned by a non-existing users, we could use the below command: 

To find "ghost" files owned by a non-existing user groups, we could use the below command: 


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