Docker 101 : Building, pulling and pushing images

To pull the nginx image from the docker repository ,we could use the below command:

To run our image, we use the below command which also maps the port "8080 of the host to the port "80" of the container:

We could test our nginx image by using the below command:

We could also build a customized image using the below command, the image is build from a file called Dockerfile that is located in the current directory:

We could check our image using the following:

We could also host our image on a repository by "pushing" it to it:

Below are some of the major commands used in the Dockerfile, which is the file we use to write the instructions that are going to make up an image:

  • FROM: a Dockerfile starts with a FROM instruction which specifies the base OS image that the image is going to use, "FROM nginx:latest"
  • ENV: is used for setting the environment variables which are used in the rest of Dockerfile's instructions, "ENV APACHE_VERSION 2.4.43"
  • RUN:  is used to run command in the form of a docker image layer, "RUN ["/bin/bash"]"
  • ADD: we use it to copy files into the image, it includes lot of other features like remote addresses, "ADD file /files_directory".
  • COPY:  it copies local files into the container, "COPY source destination_in_container".
  • CMD: it is used to provide arguments for the ENTRYPOINT commands parameters. It also provides a default command for the container. We could override it using the "docker run" command
  • ENTRYPOINT: allows a container to run a command when it starts. It will the CMD - if available - as arguments. 
  • WORKDIR: sets the working directory for the following instructions in the Dockerfile.
  • USER: specifies the user under which the following instructions in the Dockerfile are going to run, "USER nginx_user".
  • We could override the USER through the "docker run" command  through the  "--user" parameter.
  • A Dockerfile can only have one CMD parameter.


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