Kubernetes 101 : Random useful Docker and Kubernetes commands

To limit the use of CPU -150m- and memory -1024- resources of an "nginx" container, we could use the below command for example:

"8080" : port on the host.
"80" : port on the container.


"--cpu-shares" is a soft limit, the container uses more CPU is available.

To delete a docker image, we could use the below command:

To label a pod we could run the below command:

To execute a command inside a running container, we could use:

If the "bash" program is not available in our container, we could "attach" to the running pod and run our commands:

To copy files from a container to our host, we could use the below command:

To open a connection that forwards requests from the local host on port 8080 to the container on port 80 for example, we use the below command:

We could also use the command line to run an "nginx" container and expose its port using the below commands:

The above command creates a deployment of an "nginx" image with one replica.

The above command exposes the pod on port 80.
"--name" is the name of the new service through which client applications will access the pod.


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