Networking 101 : Measuring network perfomance - The iperf tool -

The iperf is a tool for measuring the connection performance between two systems.
It can help us test many parameters, like the throughput, the jitter (which is a delay in packets arrival),..

Installing ipref on debian:

We can install iperf on debian using the below command:

Simple use of "iperf":

We use the below command on the server named "debian":

The server will start listening on the TCP port 5001.

The we launch the below command on the client to start testing the connection:

Testing the connection both ways with a a single command:

We could run a test that would go both ways using the below command from the client:

UDP Testing:

We can test the UDP connection using the default parameters with the below command that listens for UDP packets on the server on port 5001:

More testing with UDP packets:

We launch the below command on the client:

- b: for bits per second.

In our example above we run a test for 500 megabits per second.
The "b" option sets the bandwidth, it works only with UDP with the "u" option.


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