Python 101 : An introduction to Iterators and Iterables.

In pythoniterables are objects that we can loop through.

These objects implement an "__iter__()" function that returns an iterator.

The iterators objects have a "__next__()" function that returns the elements of the iterable object. They also have an "__iter__()" function that returns the "self" object. 

Python gets iterators from iterables.

Because strings in python are iterable, we can loop over them:

The above code is equivalent to:

An iterator class contains:
  • __next__() : returns the next element, it also raises a "StopIteration" when the end of the iterable object is reached.
  • __iter__() : returns "self", which is an iterator object.
There is an interface - - in python that implements these two functions as abstract methods - methods that has no instruction in it, serves only as template -.


Iterator don't go backwards to start from the beginning of an iterable object, we get a new, fresh iterator.


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