Linux 101 : Systemd Overview

Units replace i a way scripts for launching programs and targets are the equivalents of runlevels.

A unit describes a service on the system. The unit has the following components:
  • name
  • type
  • configuration file
Below are some of the unit types in Linux:
  • device :  device managed by systemd
  • mount  mountpoint managed by systemd
  • target : refers to different states of the OS depending on the programs launched. 
  • service : defines how applications are managed by systemd
The systemd uses the following naming convention, name.type for example sshd.service.

You use the systemctl command to list the units currently loaded in your Linux system:

Configuring Units:

Units use a configuration files that tell systemd which programs to start and how to start them. 

The configuration files live in the /lib/systemd/system directory.

Below is the ssh service unit configuration file - sshd.service -:

Below is a simple description of same of the parameters that we have seen above:
  • Description : a short description of the service.
  • ExecStart : command that runs when the service is launched.
  • After : describes the program that need to run before sshd 
  • Wantedby : describes the target level of the system that we need to be on to start sshd.
  • Restart : describes when to start the service.
Target units: 

Target units use configuration to tell systemd which service units it needs to start.
For example for the graphical target - starts a system with a graphical interface -:

  • After : the targets should be loaded before our target. 
  • Requires : targets that our target needs to start.
  • Conflicts : the targets that conflict with our target.
Systemctl is the tool we use to manage services/targets.

Below are some parameters that we could use with the systemctl command:

  • list-units : Displays all the units
  • default : to modify to the default target unit
  • start unit_name : Starts the named unit
  • stop unit_name : Stops the named unit
  • reload unit_name : reload the configuration of a unit
  • restart unit_name : Causes a unit to shut down and restart
  • status unit_name : gives us the status of a unit
  • enable unit_name : to make a unit to start at boot time


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