Kubernetes 101 : Securing our docker images - Private docker registry, Custom applications -

Using the Kubernetes Yaml file for pods, we could use the "spec.image" parameter to tell kubernetes which image we want to use for our pods as we can see below:

The complete name is of the image: "docker.io/library/nginx"
  • library: is default account name, if none is provided - it is the official docker account - .
  • nginx: is the image name
  • docker.io: is the default location for the image, if none is provided
To host our own images, we will use our own account and location - registry -, for example "company_name.io/company_name".

To host "private" images, we could use a private registry that will be accessible through a username and password for example.

To pull an image from a private registry, we need to login first using the below command:

After entering the username and the password, we could use our "private" image as below for example:

To use a private image in kubernetes, we provide our pod's Yaml file with the full path to our application:

The above is missing the authentication part.

To be able to manage the authentication as a part of the pod's configuration, we create a kubernetes secret that has a "docker-registry" type.
This type of secrets is used to keep docker logins and passwords.

We create our secret using the below command:

Now, we can use our private image as shown below, the secret object is mentioned in the imagePullSecrets parameter:


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