Linux 101 : Processes and Namespaces

To run programs in new namespaces, we use the "unshare" command

It creates a new namespace and run the specified process in it - default program is the "/bin/bash" -, if no program is mentioned.

Empty namespace gets deleted. To be able to keep a namespace "alive", a process needs to be running inside it or a bind mount needs to be attached to it.
A bind mount means mounting a directory onto another so that they would point to the same content.

We could enter an "alive" namespace using the "nsenter" command.

Our namesapce will be removed if we un-mount the bind mount using the "umount" command.


We display our processes using the "
ps -aux" command.

Then, we create a new namespace using "unshare":

We then run the same command as before in our new namespace:

The pid of the shell is "1" in our new namespace. The other processes displayed in our first "ps -aux" command are not there anymore.

Below is a short explanation of the used parameters:
  • --fork : spawns the specified program as a child of unshare
  • --pid : creates a PID namespace
  • --mount-proc : mounts the "/proc" filesystem.


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