Kubernetes 101 : Running our First pod

We start by creating pod named "nginx_pod" using an nginx image:

To be able to reach our pod from outside the node it "lives" on, we need to forward the requests to a port on the local machine - port 8888 -, as you can see in the above diagram:

We check the connection to the nginx pod using the below command:

We can also check if our pod is running using the below command:

Some of the error messages we might get after running our pod are as follows:

  • ErrImagePull : this happens when kubernetes can't download the image. The cause could be a misspelled image name or when an image's download threshold has been reached for example.
  • ImagePullBackoff : this happens when kubernetes can't download the image. The cause could be a misspelled image name or when an image's download threshold has been reached for example.
  • ContainerCreating : this means that Kubernetes is still downloading or starting the image. 
To delete our pod, we could use the below command:


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