Linux 101 : Packages utilities - Debian - (dpkg, apt-get, ...)

Displaying information about a package:

The below command shows information about packages (version, dependencies, description, ...)
The below command shows information about a package:


Searching for packages:

To search for a package name, we use the below command:

The "string" could be "python" for example.

Installing packages:

We use the below command for installing packages:

We use "-y" option so we the system will not ask us for confirmation about various steps of the installation.

The "dpkg" installer:

We could also use the below command to install a Debian package:

Displaying which package a file belongs to:

To know which package a file belongs to, we use:


Removing a package:

To remove a package, we use the below command:

To remove a package and its configuration files, we use:

Listing the packages:

To list the packages on a system, we use the below command:

to list all the packages and the files inside them, we use:



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