Kubernetes 101 : A simple overview

Kubernetes manages a cluster which contains nodes.

Below is a simple diagram that summarizes its role:

The nodes host pods, which run containers.

Kubernetes schedules, monitors, and scales the pods.

Kubernetes provides a platform for running programs resiliently. It allows you to:
  •  Scale applications on the fly.
  •  Roll out new features seamlessly.
  • Optimize hardware usage by ration out resources. 
Kubernetes key features:

Container Orchestration: kubernetes manages containers deployment, scaling.

Service Discovery and Load Balancing: kubernetes can make a container visible using the DNS name or its own IP address.

Load-balancing: If traffic to a container is high, kubernetes is able to load balance and distribute the network traffic so that the deployment is stable. 

Storage Orchestration: kubernetes allows you to automatically mount varied storage system ( local storage, public cloud storage, ...) 

Automated Rollouts/Rollbacks: you can let kubernetes using a "setup file" know the desired state for your deployed containers( create new containers for your deployment, remove existing containers, ...)

Self-healing possibilities: kubernetes restarts containers that fail, replaces containers, removes containers that don't respond to your user-defined health check.

Secret and Configuration Management: kubernetes lets you store and manage sensitive information ( passwords, tokens, ...)

We see that kubernetes simplifies the task of managing containerized applications, which include ( deployment, maintenance, scaling of applications, ...)

Below is a more comprehensive and detailed map of the elements that make up kubernetes


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