Kubernetes 101 : Storage - The HostPath volume -

The hostPath type of volumes, makes it possible to mount a directory or a file from the hosting node onto the pod's filesystem

We can see in the below Yaml file, a pod using the HostPath volume:

The "/opt" directory on the host node, will be mounted on the volumeMounts.mountPath - "/tmp" - mountpoint in the container.

hostPath.path : represents the directory that will be mounted on the
hostPath.type : describes type of the volume, this parameter is optional and could be left empty.

Below are some of the values of the hostPath.type parameter:

DirectoryOrCreate : If the mentioned directory does not exist on the host, it will be created.
Directory : the directory must exist on the node, if the directory does not exist, the pod will fail.


The same options exist for files, socket, character devices, and block devices as below
  • FileOrCreate
  • File 
  • Socket
  • CharDevice
  • BlockDevice


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